The Leiden Gamelab operates with three key pillars:
Engaging Experiences. Developing engaging and educational simulation games to incorporate into the university curriculum.
Collaborative Design. Consulting with other student initiatives seeking to incorporate elements of play into university life.
Following Best Practices. Ensuring that games created for curricula are grounded in both existing research and effective practice.
Ideation — We work in an open environment and flat hierarchy, where any working member can pitch ideas to the team. Through pitching, we determine which ideas have the potential to be unique, engaging and practical.
Incubation — We lay out a core plan for learning and design goals, conduct academic research into the relevant fields, and develop a proposal for the game.
Implementation — We submit this proposal to relevant faculties and associations, and work in partnership with them to implement our ideas.
Games and simulations are a proven technique for learning, as they allow students to put into practice the theory they have learned. Crucially, games create a space for active learning, by immersing students in a fun and innovative environment that turn regular coursework into memorable experiences.
Games for impact have been used in healthcare (doctor training, imparting information to patients); security (simulating disaster management cases); education (Model UN, educational games) and business (marketing, product creation).
All working members of the Gamelab contribute to collaborative research and game design tasks. Each member also fulfils secondary organisational responsibilities for the Gamelab.
Teo Kai Xiang (Kai) - Gamelab Coordinator
Mateo Velastegui - Gamelab Consultant
Oscar Laviolette - Gamelab Designer
Alexander Ansel Hadipranoto - Gamelab Researcher
Effective Altruism Simulation Game
Governance Simulation Game
Consultancy: NATO Crisis Resolution Simulation Game
The Leiden Gamelab is always looking for new innovators and creators. Are you a motivated student with strong personal initiative, an interest in game design, and a desire to deliver content on tight deadlines?
Submit your application to join us by filling out this form.